
Agricultural University of Athens (AUA)

The Agricultural University of Athens (AUA) is the third oldest university in Greece. Since 1920, it has been making valuable contributions to Greek and European agricultural and economic development, by conducting basic and applied research in the agricultural sciences, and by producing high quality graduates as well as innovative scientific knowledge.

The Laboratory of Enzyme Technology is a formally founded research unit of the Agricultural University of Athens. The founding principle of Laboratory of Enzyme Technology is to host both basic and applied research thus providing an ideal setting for the emergence of translational activities.

Research interests center on enzyme mechanisms and protein structure and design and include a range of areas such as: recombinant protein production, protein engineering and design, development of cosmeceuticals, biosensors, biocatalysis and blue & microalgae biotechnology. Within its 20 years in full operation, the rigorous research performed at the Lab is already receiving international recognition and has also already achieved an excellent track record in attracting and managing research funding from national, European, US, and other sources.