Report on the different media and condition used to grow the selected microalgae.
Development of different formulations of algae biomass (spray-dried, freeze-dried and frozen paste) delivered to partners.
Waste water of different industries or urban areas will be used to grow microalgae.
A turbidostat continuous flow culturing approach will be implemented in different production systems used at industrial scale, including the cascade reactors, raceway ponds and tubular photobioreactors.
Microalgae strains will be selected (based on an initial screen of the scientific literature) from CCAP, (, isolated from different environmental origin.
Algae extracts from target strains and culture conditions (WP1) will be subjected to solution-based assays for high-throughput screening in microtiter plate formats.
The available transcriptome of recently-sequenced microalgae strains will be computationally analysed employing suitable algorithms for lectin open reading frames. The analysis will give putative lectin sequences of various classes.
DNA barcoding will be used in order to authenticate and trace the different species based on the genetic diversity of genomic regions characterized by their universality across diverse taxa, and their effectiveness in identifying inter-/ intra- species- specific differences.
Using a phenotypic screening strategy where the inhibitory activity of small molecules can be sequentially tested against different viruses, we will identify compounds with broad-spectrum activity, and found a subset blocking viral internalisation and/or fusion.
Screening and examination of bioactivity of algae derived compounds will be carried out using high-throughput in vitro enzyme assays.
The transcription effect of the extracts or compounds on normal human keratinocytes and normal human fibroblasts will be evaluated in vitro using real-time quantitative reverse polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR).
Several different methods will be evaluated involving both conventional (flocculation, sedimentation, flotation, centrifugation) as well as novel methods (electro flocculation, membranes).
The selected proteins (lectins) will be purified using the combination of fractionation (salt fractionation or aqueous two-phase systems) and chromatographic methods (ion-exchange chromatography and if necessary affinity chromatography).
The production of polyphenols will be achieved using a ‘green’ extraction method, compatible with the use in cosmetics by appling and evaluating the Pressure Enhanced Solid/Liquid Extraction Technology.
A new range of skin care products will be developed in which new microalgae extracts or compounds will be incorporated for providing skincare properties (enhancing anti-ageing and/or angiogenesis health benefits, skin whitening and UV protective health benefits) and antiviral properties. Microalgae compounds at different concentrations levels (e.g 0.1 - 5%), depending on the results of WP3, will be incorporated in cosmetic formulas. Several different cosmetic formulations will be prepared and evaluated, i.e. an emulsion (oil-in-water or water-in-oil emulsion), a cream, a lotion, a solution, an anhydrous base (powder), a gel, or an ointment.
Identification of the EU regulatory framework and requirements to address the development of new algae-based products in order to ensure the appropriate licensing and legal compliance of new products (GMP, GLP and GDP).
Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) is the inventory of the total energy use, raw material use, air and water emissions, and the total solid waste produced from the cradle-to-grave (grave being the ultimate disposal).
Development of a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), whose main purpose is to provide a quantitative assessment of the environmental impact of products over their entire life cycle, with the aim of suggesting improvements.
An optimisation of the processing system will be carried out in order to obtain the best parameters for the process, including energy optimisation (e.g. Aspen Energy Analyzer) and process parameters through sensitivity analysis (e.g. different conditions). An exergy assessment methodology to determine specific exergy contents to all mass and energy in and outflows will be developed. The simulation tools ASPEN or TRNSYS will be utilized.
The report of the traingin activities will be developed.
Both academic partners participating in the project will be responsible for preparing an Analytical Handbook which will include extensive protocols for all the molecular and biochemical tools developed and used throughout the project.
E-learning web pages will be created in the AlgaeNet4AV web site order to accommodate all training and research materials (theoretical and practical manuals) generated throughout the implementation of the project.
Development and publication of the project website.
A database with all the interesting compounds will be developed.
Development and publication of the social media platforms for the project.
Progress reports.
Mid term report.
The quality management system consists of EC and the external advisory committee ). This task will incorporate details about AlgaeNet4AV quality assurance processes.
This deliverable includes the development of the Data management plan (DMP).
This deliverable includes the development of the Dissemination and exploitation plan.